Changemakers' Bulletin: Marching Forward with Empowerment and Education
March 2025

Save the Child Foundation
2021-2022 Annual Report

At Save the Child Foundation, we believe that we are socially responsible in bringing a change in the lives of the underprivileged and special needs children with a key focus on girl children.

"A world in which all children with needs either related to poverty or medical conditions will be protected and nurtured holistically in an eco-friendly environment" .

Method to My Madness
A Message from CEO,
Ravi Kantamsetty
Since 2008, Save the Child Foundation has scaled more than 450 fiscally sponsored projects, fueled social change in 6 countries and mobilized $3.5 million for impact. At Save the Child, we are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of measurable commitments made by all the countries in the United Nations to their citizens.
From the shared priorities, we have identified a subset of areas - advancing gender equality, good health and wellbeing, education and empowerment where we have relationships and expertise to be part of the solution and where transformational progress is unlikely without our involvement. Geographically we seek to help those who live in places with high vulnerability of abuse, discrimination, lack of access and opportunities and who are burdened by extreme poverty. Every Save the Child Foundation project is inspired by the stories of the people we serve.
We find ways to partner who are tackling these challenges and carefully assess the landscape to determine our vision, role and impact. We go all in where the need is greatest in matters of gender equality in ending discrimination and violence against girls, enabling universal access to sanitation and health , K-12 education, and promote empowerment of women via technology. We actively strive to equip and enable partners that are taking bold action for social impact.
A few highlights from these past two years include the following:
We have hit our milestone target of 2 Million Pari Pads for Girls in Schools, Orphanages, Hostels and Shelter Homes in India.
Save the Child Foundation Nepal onboarded more than 40 students in the past three years and this action of ours was our tactic to end human trafficking in the areas of our operation by creating opportunities for continued education beyond grade 10. To further combat human and sex trafficking, we have strategically invested time and resources to build a long term plan to uplift Nepal’s BADI Community ( infamously known as The Untouchables of the Untouchables ).
We engaged and partnered with Collectives who are actively striving for gender equality which includes a film on sex trafficking which made to Oscars Reminder list and other documentaries which were recognized with Anthem Awards in USA. We have scaled our Art Based Therapy Initiatives to create platforms for the oppressed to discover new spaces and own them in and beyond Mumbai’s red light district. A well documented workshop model has been built to create healing opportunities for marginalized girls who endure violence, discrimination and extreme poverty. Zumba has been used as an ice breaker for more than 3000 girls to introduce topics of menstruation and sexual violence.
Our strategic partnership with Baala Pads has allowed us to gift Baala reusable pads for more than 10,000 girls primarily in Rajasthan and Nepal. We will be partnering with Could You Cups and will be our strategic play for sanitation in more than 15 countries in Africa from 2023 onwards.
After a year long fellowship ( 5 fellows ) with Save the Child Foundation, 3 were onboarded full time as employees and on a different note our volunteer family has now grown to more than 400 in 6 countries.
We have officially launched our Empowerment Platform RUI in 2022 , which will allow us to create/enable opportunities for women led entrepreneurships and sustainability
In gratitude of what we have been able to accomplish as a team and a family !
We have miles to go !!
Ravi Kantamsetty
Foundation Facts
(As of December 30, 2022 )
400 +
50,000 +
3.3 Million
3 Million
2.2 Million
Digital Devices
Baala Pads
$ 96,400
$ 400,000
$ 406,750
$ 1.03 Million
$ 1.1 Million

End Discrimination against Women and Girls
End all Violence and Exploitation against Girls and Women
Universal Access to Reproductive Health and Rights
Promote Empowerment of Women thru Technology
Adopt and Strengthen Policies and Enforceable Legislation for Gender Equality

Universal access to safe and nutritious food
End all forms of malnutrition
Reduce Maternal Mortality
End all preventable deaths under 5 years of age
Fight communicable diseases
Reduce mortality from non communicable diseases and promote mental health
Safe and Affordable drinking water
End open defecation and provide access to sanitation and hygiene

Equal access to pre-primary quality education
Equal access to technical, vocational and higher education
Increase the #of people with relevant skills for financial success
Eliminate all discrimination in education
Universal literacy and numeracy
Equal rights to basic services, technology and economic resources
Eradicate Extreme Poverty

Save the Child Foundation has invested resources and time to conduct deep studies in collaboration with partners and NGO agencies and social leaders and have conceived a strategy to bring effective change and measure up to the Gender Equality Goals and targets of United Nations.
We currently engage , sponsor and support children from all ages who are challenged before, during and after journey lifecycle of the girl child and strive for complete transformation where feasible.
We strive to advance gender equality, good health and wellbeing, education and empowerment where we have relationships and expertise to be part of the solution and where transformational progress is unlikely without our involvement. Geographically we seek to help those who live in places with high vulnerability of abuse, discrimination, lack of access and opportunities and who are burdened by extreme poverty. Every Save the Child Foundation project is inspired by the stories of the people we serve.
We find ways to partner who are tackling these challenges and carefully assess the landscape to determine our vision, role and impact. We go all in where the need is greatest in matters of gender equality in ending discrimination and violence against girls, enabling universal access to sanitation and health , K-12 education, and promote empowerment of women via technology. We actively strive to equip and enable partners that are taking bold action for social impact.

2021- 2022 Highlights
Key Highlights from our initiatives.
Pari Pads
KPI : # Pads : 2.1 Million Pads
Since the inception of our End Period Poverty Vision in 2018, we have since gifted more than 2 Million Biodegradable Pari Pads for more than 150,000 Girls in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Target populations include ; Schools, Govt. Homes, Shelter Homes, Orphanages, Slums, Hospitals, Emergency .
India, Nepal
Baala Pads
KPI: #Reusable Pads: 10,000
To End Period Poverty : Reusable BAALA Pads for Girls and Women from Slums in Delhi, Mumbai, Rajasthan
Target populations include:
Schools, Slums, Shelter Homes,Red Light Districts ,Farmers, Construction Workers.
In 2022, 1000 Girls/Women in Nepal received Baala Pads. Additionally Hers Is Ours distributed pads to 1500 girls during their Outside Moving Art Festival across 18 destinations in Rajasthan which is the state for highest girl child illiteracy.
Nepal, Africa
Could You Cups
KPI: #Cups : 100
The CouldYou? Girls’ Health Initiative is sustainably addressing the menstrual hygiene management( MHM) needs of women and girls through immediate access to health education and menstrual cups.
Save the Child Foundation will invest in partnership with Could You Cups to end period poverty for more than 100,000 Girls in the next few years.
Spain, Mumbai
Our Odyssey is Red
The film takes you on a journey of the lives of these women, how they transformed themselves from being (once) a victim and a marginalized, to being in control of their lives and agents of change. It takes you to how they've come to peace with their lives; while also taking you on a visual journey of the European landscapes.
18 Cities in India
Outsider Moving Art Festival
The Collective recently concluded a bold two months tour to 18 cities. It was a travelling art & film festival that covered remote areas of Uttar Pradesh & Rajasthan. The festival saw participation of young, budding artists from all over the country. With a curated and inclusive list of artists, the team showcased paintings, movies, storytelling, musical and dance performances and other forms of visual art to begin a conversation about violence against women.
India, Nepal, Uganda
KPI : # Fellowships: 7
The Save the Child Foundation Fellowship for Service in India is an immersive, 12-month volunteer service program matching young professionals with development organizations. Fellows work on scalable and sustainable development projects in the fields of education, health and wellbeing, water and sanitation, gender equality.
The Save the Child Foundation Fellowship is helping to shape the next generation of leaders committed to positive change while also strengthening marginalized communities in India, Nepal and Uganda.
KPI : # Scholarships: 5
Educational Scholarships for Underprivileged and otherwise Marginalized Girls who are pursuing Undergraduate degrees and Vocational Programs in USA and other countries.
Read more about Farah, Danish, Amrin, Mahek, Asmita, Lata and here.
India, Nepal, Uganda
KPI : # Sponsorships: 40
Our target group consists of the vulnerable group of young kids, who live under the constant threat of either being trafficked, married into early marriage practices, or being sexually exploited. These families who live under poverty, struggle to make ends meet, let alone send their kids to school for education. As a result, they become more susceptible to victimization.
A great K-12 education is a proven path to social mobility and economic prosperity and a bridge to opportunity.

India, Nepal
Art Based Therapy for the Underprivileged
KPI : # Children from Slums: 600
Sheetal is trying to address the larger problem of gender discrimination at home and schools that is riddled with patriarchy and mix that up with poverty where the girls dont have a chance to voice their opinion.
Sheetal uses Art Based Therapeutic practices to heal, educate and engage the girl child populations from the slums to find their voices and expression and she brings her experiences with Gender Lab and BAPU School in Pune to effectively carve out a strategy infused Adolescent Empowerment Program.
India, Nepal
Happiness w/ Zumba
KPI : # Children: 3000
Taniya is a certified Zumba instructor. She has been teaching Zumba to children in orphanages for more than 3 years now. She believes Zumba and dance are a healthy method of expression for children living in difficult circumstances, helps them heal, find a passion. Since Zumba is fun, it is an engaging tool for children.
Taniya has taught Zumba to more than 3000 children in India, Nepal and Kenya.
Kamatipura, Mumbai
Art Based Therapy for the Oppressed
KPI : # Trafficked, # Oppressed : 25 +
In association with Kranti, an organisation that works for the children of Sex workers , to make them agents of social change, and funded by Save the Child foundation, the following artists got together and conducted this program, which is probably the first of its kind to combine multi-disciplinary arts like movement, painting and clay to explore the social and mental health aspects in a very playful and impactful way among the sex workers community.

Nepal, India, USA
KPI : # Devices : 53 Laptops
Digital Devices for the High School Children. and colleges all over the world who are currently supported by Save the Child Foundation. We distributed 4 Mac Books, 6 Ipads and more than 40 laptops in the past 24 months.

Make a Wish
KPI : # Wishes : 25
Children with terminal illnesses at Happy Feet Home Foundation were asked to make a wish to be granted unconditionally. Laptops, mobile phones, tabs, bicycles , a camera were some of the obvious wishes which were very fondly completed by Save the Child Foundation.
KPI : # Volunteer Hours : 20,000 Till date
The Changemakers2030 Program is about Understanding the Sustainability Development Goals of Hunger, Water and Sanitation, Global Health, Equality, Education and Poverty and conceptualize the solutions by applying Ideas to address the challenges and ultimately creating a lasting and sustainable Impact for child population in need.

India, USA, Nepal, Pakistan
Covid Relief
KPI : # Grants : Equivalent to $400,000
Mumbai, Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Delhi, Dehradun, Masaka-Uganda, Dallas - USA, Kathmandu - Nepal
Oxygen Concentrators, PPE, Food and Nutrition, Isolation Centers, Groceries, Sustainability

Dallas, Mumbai, Masaka-Uganda
Hunger Banquets
KPI : # Moms Served: 75 +
The Changemakers2030 Hunger Banquet was conceived to talk about Hunger around the world and the food inequity and abundance of resources and insufficiency in other parts of the world.

Frisco, Texas
Community Service
KPI : # Clean Ups: 6
Quarterly Street Cleaning in City of Frisco, Texas

Mt.Everest Base Camp
Neelima Reddy @ Mt.Everest Base Camp
KPI : # Funds Raised : US $20,000
# Children impacted: 500+
I'm a fulltime IT professional and a mother of 2 naughty twins. When I'm not working, I love exploring the world and climbing mountains on my own terms. Mountains have always been a big draw for me since childhood and I love them because of its sheer simplicity and magnitude. They fill me with a deep powerful presence of life. These wonderful experiences have given me deeper insights into the real world global problems by connecting with people from different backgrounds and ethnicities.
The goal was to climb them as safely as possible while raising awareness and funding for a charity called "Save the Child" which is very close to my heart.

India, USA, Nepal, Pakistan
Vijay Garimella Full Marathon Dec 22
KPI : # Miles Run: 26.2
Vijay Garimella (@garimellavijay ) runs a full marathon in honor of 26 Outstanding Girls/Women from Kranti and Happy Feet Home and advocate to end gender violence and complete our #16DaysofActivism for 2022.
HUGE RESPECT for finishing 26.2 Miles at BMW Marathon Dallas for a great cause and purpose and honoring the Krantikari's.

USA, India
KPI : # Empowerment Initiatives : 4
RUI is a sustainable clothing brand that strives to impact people, the planet and animals in a positive manner.
At PARI RUI, we collaborate with weavers and women cooperatives that use sustainable materials, responsibly produce their products and give back in both small and big ways. Sustainable materials vary and range from organic cotton to linen .
Sustainable clothing is our way to make a statement in your fashion.

Period Poverty in Africa
KPI : # Reusable Pads : 2000 Girls
Save the Child Foundation sponsors more than 500 Girls every year in Uganda and in the past 4 years this has now created sustainable change for more than 2000 girls. Distribution is championed on menstrual hygiene day May 28th and followed by Advocacy and Awareness sessions for the Girls.

Paalaguttapalle to USA
Partner Uplift
KPI : # Paalaguttapalle Bags : 500
Women from Paalaguttapalle (Dalitwada) stitch cloth bags of high quality, make delicious pickles, and sustain their families through droughts.

India, USA, Nepal, Pakistan
Tackling Malnutrition in Hamlets
890 Undocumented migrants from Chhattisgarh find shelter in the forests of Khammam in an effort to escape the cross fire of naxals and police on the border of Chhattisgarh.
As impatient optimists to tackle the malnutrition crisis in the tribal hamlets in question, Indigenous Development Organization has taken lead in the past couple of years to effect change and protect the women and children.

Frisco, Texas
Marathon for Save the Child
KPI : #Miles : 26.2
Vijay Garimella (@garimellavijay ) runs a full marathon in honor of 26 Outstanding Girls/Women from Kranti and Happy Feet Home and advocate to end gender violence and complete our #16DaysofActivism for 2022.

Frisco, Texas // Fremont, CA
3rd Annual PARI 5K/WALK/RUN
KPI : #Kilometers : 40 X 5
3 rd Annual PARI 5K Walk/Run in Frisco , Texas and Fremont, California to raise voice against Sex Trafficking, Sexual Violence and Tackle Period Poverty.
New York, NY
Could You 15th Anniversary
KPI : #Countries : 15 in partnership with Could You
Could You Menstrual Cups
for Young girls from the largest slum in Kenya, girls/women in prison
in Uganda and Nigeria,
A network of deaf girls through Deaf Pride Zimbabwe, Girls/Women in refugee camps in Uganda and Mozambique.
Farmers in Liberia, adolescent girls in the Wa East region of Ghana .

I'm a fulltime IT professional and a mother of 2 naughty twins. When I'm not working, I love exploring the world and climbing mountains on my own terms. Mountains have always been a big draw for me since childhood and I love them because of its sheer simplicity and magnitude. They fill me with a deep powerful presence of life. These wonderful experiences have given me deeper insights into the real world global problems by connecting with people from different backgrounds and ethnicities.
The goal was to climb them as safely as possible while raising awareness and funding for a charity called "Save the Child Foundation" which is very close to my heart.

None of what we have done is possible without the generous support and patronage from our donors, believers , ambassadors, advocates, changemakers, leaders, friends and family.
We are deeply humbled and in gratitude of the kindness and generosity of our donors, givers, grantors for making this journey of change a meaningful one and enabling us to amplify the voices of the voiceless and in effect create a world of gender equality and equity.
Ravi Kantamsetty
Venkat Bathula
Sreeram Yerra
Kiran Epuri
Kiran Gavini
Sunanda Guruzu
Kanchhi Maya Tamang
Prakash Bhushal
Sudhakar Pennam
Sunandini Radhakrishnan
Lavanya Epuri
Naren Dukkipati
Neelima Reddy
Swapna Mankal
Kirthi Pilla
Sridhar Gundrothu
Sudhakar Ramakrishna
Richaritha Gundlapalli
Vinay Vattikuti
Hyma Patina
Harnath Kanukolanu
Sasirekha Gandrothu
Vijay Garimella
Satya Chelluboina
Sheetal Jain
Sandhya Nair
Surabhi Khanal
Sonam Yangzom
Lavanya Gudelli
Srujana Sayani
Taniya Singh
Reshma Shaikh
( GOD )
Chandana Varma
Sunandini Radhakrishnan
Ganesh Iyamperumal
Kavita Jayaraman
Vasu Edala - Vijayashree
Prasad - Sudha Kalam
Ravi Santwani
Janakiram Ravulapati
Varma Buddharaju
Kiran Gangireddyvari
Aditya Gudibanda
Aditya Kandregula
Ganesh Virupakshan
Swapna Mankal
Bhavani Lutukurthy
Pushparchana Yerra
Hema Vadlamudi
Prasada Rao Namineni
Raja Gopaluni
Ravi Jagarlamudi
Vamsi Cherukuri
Vamsi Kamisetty
Venkat Bhimavarapu
Sesh Sayani
Bhupendra Gupta
Prasad Golkonda
Babu Gopaladhine - Aparna
Ron Fresta - Druthi Bearavolu
Nagesh - Vani Nukala
Changemakers Champions
Kavita Kandregula
Chandana Varma
Ganesh Virupakhan
Kumar Talinki
Madhavi Indukuri
Madhavi Josyabhatla
Mohini Suri
Nanditha Gade
Naren Dukkipati
Niveditha Gade
Raghuram Krovvidi
Rajanikanth Dasari
Rajendra Kolhe
Raju Katari
Shahran Haider
Madhuri Sopirala
Suman Kodeboyina
Suneela Gandrothu
Vishal Kolipaka
Vijaya Battagiri
Mahesh Hariharan
Vivek Choudaha
Gauri Venkatesan
Shirisha Reddy
Raj Kohle
Balaji Damarla
Ananya Kandregula
Ananya Chiluka
Sreesha Dasari
Aditi Konduru
Rathi Venkatesan
Amulya Ingu
Bhavna Reddy
Sarayu Kantamsetty
Riya Indukuri
Zayaan Haider
Eesha Suri
Bhargav Reddy
Aarush Sathu
Anvitha Sathu
Vennela Vattikuti
Manjari Ganti
Sanjana Hariharan
Suhani Choudaha
Aruhi Kodeboyina
Mayukha Talinki
Abhi Dukkipati
Haren Gannarapu
Rakshit Gaddamsetty
Keertana Gaddamsetty
Nidhil Nayudu
Haasini Meesala
Tanvi Krovvidi
Reva Kohle
Nikki Ganesh
Ashna Epuri
Manas Boyalla
Chetan Kapavarapu
Sahat Sopirala
Yshnavy Kolipaka
Past Donors
Aarthi Reddy
Aparna Ramani
Arati Joshi
Aruna Patibandla
David Siegel
Kiran Borra
Mohan Sayani
Shalini Chitturi
Nirisha Garimella
Sanjib Sengupta
Shantanu Sharma
Sridhar Rayaprolu
Sriram Gopalan
Suresh Aineni
Santhi Challa
Upagna Vedhantham
Saru Bangalore
Sree Lakshmi Mandiga
Kavita Akula
Srikanth Bujamella
Vamsi Kodavarthy
Varun Tatineni
Vishna Tanguturi
Sandhya Madduri
Satya Yalamanchi
Shivani Deshpande
AASRAA Champions
Mandira Rana
Atin and Fleur Kukreja
Sharad Koppikar
Tuhina Koppikar
Archit Gulati
Moe Goswami
Manish Krishnan
Johnny Mirpuri
Antoni Gomez Isern
Joanne Renfer
Shefali Salwan
Kranti Champions
Anoo Nathan
Jay Raman
Supriya Davda
Dick Ethrington
Shashi Upadhyay
Sandhya Puri
Samir Bodas
Andrew Moore
Sarthak Anand
Pia RoyChowdhury
Russ and Radhika Arun
Fiona Johnston
Karen Doff
Jaimie Field
Priya Rao Chagaleti
Alison Deliman
Sonali Kanaujia
Jon Gilliam
Stewart Lynch
John Jackson
Roy Casey
Austris Cingulis
Andrew Bassuk
Shelly Brown
Jackie Mathews
Alyna Dewani
Payodhi Thapliyal
Kamal An
Brian Cheung
Ivo Englund
Jacqueline Ghosh
David Nagel
Anita Bradford
Lynn Woudberg
Cecilia Nordlund
Save the Child Nepal
Ramesh Vadlamani
Badruddin Pitter
Sandeep Kilaru
Hema Jagarapu
Sanjay Jupudi
Guru Kommineni
Formac Inc
Satish Manduva
Sharad Chilukuri
Harsha Pamulaparthi
Suresh Katamreddy
Sridhar Patibhandla
Bala Nemani
Sumanth Paturu
Riffaya Rajid
Nupur Sharma
Philip Ryan
Dharma Reddy
Shilpa Singh
Jai Reddy
Jyothsna Bajjuri
Madan Reddy Venreddy
Manoj Katkuri
Gande Manohar
Swathi Nelabhatla
Deepika Bavireddy
Mythili Bandi
Chaitan Nallamothu
Kash Valiveti
Yamini Mudaliar
Rajitha Mallela
Praveenkumar Polishetty
Sai Parvathaneni
Nishidha Kumaresan
Swapna Somireddy
Satish P
Goutham Beeram
Praveen Jangareddy
Madhulika Appasani
Abhijeet Mahurkar
Fazlun Mettu
Jayasree Bhaskaram
Ashok Kondala
Sharmila Thokala
Shalav Kumar
Rama Patoola
Amit Chaudhary
Tejvarun Garlapati
Chandra Sekhar Maddi
Debra Fournier
Praveen Sursani
Deepthi Busireddy
Krishna Korada
Sami Rahman
Krishna Nemani
Balaji Talaseela
Steven Nguyen
Abdul Mohammed
Care and Love Vizag
Uma Maheswari
Vanitha Vasudevan
Kavita Jayaraman
Vinod Khanna Rajendran
Narsimha S Bhamidi
Shobha Kumar
Ranjini Sridhar
Lavanya Epuri
Rohit Warier
Shyam Rao
Seema Dayal
Bala Raghavan
Shyamala Krishna
Neema Sujatha
Vinatha Muralikrishna
Madhavi Menon
Parimala Rao
Karthik Subramanian
Ganesh Virupakshan
Vidya Doraiswamy
Praveen Subramaniam
Sridhar Koneru
Lalitha Srinivasan
Hima Bindu Panuganti
Sreelatha Nambiar
Mala Balakrishnan
Padma Wudali
Rohit Prasad
Cuddalore Natarajan
Period Poverty Champions
Ravi Kantamsetty
Kiran Epuri
Sreeram Yerra
Kirthi Pilla
Neeraja Vankamamidi
Akhila Nanjala
Arati Joshi
Shilpa Mudiganti
Sunil Sharma
Arpitha Kanneganti
Saloni Mehra
Sravya Yeleti
Champions of our Causes
Nirupa Umapathy
Neelima Reddy
Kavita Jayaraman
Suneela Gandrothu
Charishma Chelluboina
Neeraja Erraguntla
Sandhya Puri
Vani Turumella
Digital for Nepal Campaign
Imran Memon
Saikiran Daida
Subramaniyam Seetha Raman
Venkat Panchumarthi
Vikram Jupudi
Bobby Adda
Raja Lingam
Praveen Andapally
Sharada Kodem