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Happy Feet Home Logo

Happy Feet Home (HFH) is a palliative care centre for children and young adults in India which was started in August 2014. HFH aims to provide free of cost emotional, psycho-social, educational / vocational and nutritional support to children and young adults with life threatening and life limiting illnesses.


At Happy Feet Home, we work in close collaboration with Sion Hospital, with the aim of providing holistic day-care services to children under palliative care. Children coming to Happy Feet Home are either infected with or affected by 'HIV positive', 'Thalassemia major' or 'Cancer'.

We had about 204 children in the first year. At Happy Feet Home, we only conducted activities for children initially but eventually started a nutrition program as well, in the first year.

Today we work with close to 500 children through our day care services such as nutrition, psycho social, medical and educational/ vocational programs for our children and an outreach program.

Over the years, our programs have expanded based on the needs of the children.


To know more about Happy Feet Home, please visit-

असली ख़ुशी कैसे मिलेगी? | How to be happy? | Mansi Shah | Josh talks Hindi
जोश Talks

असली ख़ुशी कैसे मिलेगी? | How to be happy? | Mansi Shah | Josh talks Hindi

00:00 Introduction 01:03 the beginning of the story 03:18 looking for hope 05:50 What is Happy feet home 07:52 we are making a change 09:30 feedback 10:42 purpose in life 12:10 Power of Dream मुंबई कॉलेज से इतिहास में ग्रेजुएट मानसी शाह ने चाइल्डहुड केयर और एजुकेशन में अपनी मास्टर्स करि। आकांक्षा संस्थान के साथ काम करते हुए उन्हें यह एहसास हुआ कि वे ऐसे बच्चों को खुशियां देना चाहती है जो कैंसर, HIV जैसी बीमारियों से ग्रस्त हैं। हैप्पी फ़ीट होम नाम से एक ऐसी संस्था की शुरुवात की जो बच्चों के शारीरक, मानसिक स्वास्थ्य और उनके खान-पान के साथ-साथ उनकी खुशियों का ख़ास ख्याल रखती है। इनकी प्रेरणादायक कहानी जानने के लिए देखें यह जोश Talk देखें। A History graduate from Mumbai College, Mansi Shah did her Masters in Childhood Care and Education. Working with Akanksha Sansthan, she realized that she wanted to bring happiness to children who are suffering from diseases like cancer, HIV. She started an organization named Happy Feet Home, which takes special care of children's physical, mental health and their food along with their happiness. Watch this Josh Talk to know her inspirational story. ज़िंदगी में कुछ बड़ा करने के लिए जोश का होना बहुत ज़रूरी है.” इसी सोच के साथ एक शुरुआत हुई. देश के कोने-कोने से सबसे प्रेरणादायक कहानियों को चुनकर हर उस शख्स तक पहुंचाने की जो बड़े सपने देखता है. इसी सोच का नाम है जोश Talks. वो मंच जहां कई Role Models आते हैं और अपने जीवन की प्रेरणादायक कहानी हमारे साथ शेयर करते हैं. वो अपने जीवन के उन किस्सों को शेयर करते हैं जहां वो Fail हुए, उन्होंने गलतियां की, कई बार हिम्मत भी टूटी पर अपने लक्ष्य को हासिल करके ही माने. अगर दो शब्दों में कहा जाए, तो जोश Talks हम सबके लिए हमारे ‘बड़े भैय्या/बड़ी बहन’ की तरह है. जो हमेशा हमारे दोस्त बनकर हमारी बात सुनते हैं और हमें कुछ नया सिखाते हैं. तो चलो, जोश के साथ हर Goal को हासिल करें. :) और हां! अगर हमारे पास ऐसे लोगों की कहानियां हैं जिन्होंने अपनी मेहनत और हिम्मत के दम पर अच्छा मुकाम हासिल किया है. जिससे आज वो समाज के लिए एक Role Model बन गए हैं. तो, अभी लिखकर भेज देते हैं - Josh Talks passionately believes that a well-told story has the power to reshape attitudes, lives, and ultimately, the world. We are on a mission to find and showcase the best motivational stories from across India through documented videos and live events held all over the country. What started as a simple conference is now a fast-growing media platform that covers the most innovative rags to riches success stories with speakers from every conceivable background, including entrepreneurship, women’s rights, public policy, sports, entertainment and social initiatives. With 7 regional languages in our ambit, our stories and speakers echo one desire: to inspire action. Our goal is to unlock the potential of passionate young Indians from rural and urban areas by inspiring them to overcome the setbacks they face in their career and helping them discover their true calling in life. ► जोश Talks Facebook:​ ► जोश Talks Instagram: -----**DISCLAIMER**----- All of the views and work outside the pretext of the video of the speaker, are his/ her own and Josh Talks, by any means, does not support them directly or indirectly and neither is it liable for it. Viewers are requested to use their own discretion while viewing the content and focus on the entirety of the story rather than finding inferences in its parts. Josh Talks by any means, does not further or amplify any specific ideology or propaganda.
In Pursuit of Happiness: Save the Child Foundation’s Official Visit to Kranti & Happy Feet Home
Save the Child Foundation

In Pursuit of Happiness: Save the Child Foundation’s Official Visit to Kranti & Happy Feet Home

Embark on a heartfelt journey with the Save the Child Foundation as we visit two remarkable organizations in Mumbai—Kranti and Happy Feet Home—dedicated to empowering marginalized communities and providing compassionate care to children with life-threatening illnesses. Highlights of the Visit: Kranti: We engaged with the inspiring Krantikaris—young women from Mumbai's red-light areas—who are transforming their lives through education and leadership, challenging societal norms, and advocating for change. Happy Feet Home: At India's pioneering pediatric palliative care center, we witnessed the unwavering dedication to offering emotional, psycho-social, educational, and nutritional support to children and young adults facing life-limiting conditions. This film, conceptualized and directed by Taniya Singh, captures intimate moments of connection, reflection, and the profound impact of art and storytelling in driving social change. Cinematography by Jai Hitesh Dodiya and Akbar Goya brings these stories to life, highlighting our commitment to reducing inequalities through creative expressions. Join us in celebrating these partnerships and the shared mission of fostering hope, resilience, and empowerment. 🔔 Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring stories and initiatives. #SaveTheChildFoundation #WeAreKranti #HappyFeetHome #Changemakers2030 #EmpowermentThroughArt #SocialChange #PalliativeCare #MumbaiInitiatives

Happy Feet Home

Happy Feet Home started as a dream to celebrate life irrespective of its duration. It was based on
the belief that “All's well that ends well”. It was nurtured with the hope that one day we will have a
centre full of lively, energetic children who will brighten up our lives while we help them value theirs.

Along with all this, it was started with empty pockets but a fierce fire in our bellies. The journey was long but meaningful. There were roadblocks but we also had our maps! There were obstacles but
then came opportunities and with all of this each day, we got closer to our dream.

- Mansi Shah , Founder, Happy Feet Home

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