Save the Child Foundation was founded on the core philosophy of social responsibility to save the child in need. Entirely driven by socially responsible volunteers with a passion to change the world and save a child in need.​
On a routine trip to home country India in 2008 and a chance visit to a special needs orphanage met more than 80 special needs children who were physically challenged children, Speech and Hearing Impaired children, Cerebral Palsy children, Cognitively Impaired children, Autistic Children, Downs Syndrome Children, Blind Children - all of them either abandoned or orphaned but then they were just children - in need of love and security, healthy food to eat, a decent place to live, adequate medical care before they get good education and then empowerment to sustain and survive. Children are Children and these are their basic rights as children.
As a parent we would go to what ever length to make every dream and wish of our child come true and when you have a special needs child - you would go a million miles and more if you have to. Sometimes even those million miles fall short when you live in extraordinary circumstances of poverty combined with lack of education and top that with lack of resources and knowledge to rehabilitate the child. The child soon becomes a liability as there are more mouths to feed in an already overly populated family. This is when the underprivileged parent of a special needs child is contemplating the birth and life of the child which leads to abandonment.

Incorporated ASHAJYOTHI USA ( 501 C(3) - 26-3537756) on September 28th, 2008 to create a platform to provide support to special needs children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to the special challenges.
Evaluated children with Special Needs including Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome, Speech and Hearing Impairment. Provided Wheelchairs, CP Chairs and onboarded a full time therapist. Key focus included Nutrition, Milk and Therapy.
Partner with AASRAA TRUST, an organization for social good and transforming children from streets of Dehradoon. Key focus is to invest in programs for street child education which enabled measurement of success and provided an overarching template which can scale.
Nirbhaya Rape reported on Dec 16th, 2012. PARI as a platform launched on to create a more gender sensitive and gender equal world.
Partner with SERUDS, an organization focussed on girl child education in the district of Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh which was in the top 3 for Girl Child Illiteracy. Key strategies employed here was to sponsor underprivileged girl children.
Save the Child strategically initiated a partnership with Community Care Foundation, Uganda to invest for education and sanitation agendas in Uganda.
Save the Child Foundation Nepal focuses on educating girls most vulnerable to trafficking.
To invest in initiatives which were addressing sexual violence agendas, we partnered with Kranti, an organization based out of Mumbai which was creating social agents of change by transforming daughters of sex workers.
India's first childrens hospice for HIV and Thallasemmia children from Mumbai.
Partner for Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Initiatives in Masaka District in Uganda.
Started RUI , Save the Child Foundations Empowerment platform.
Incorporated Save the Child Foundation in India