Krantinaari is an artist and activist who explores multidisciplinary art/arms in the current hip-hop scene.
Her stories circle around self experiences as a woman in society through music and art. She has formulated India's first female hip hop community called wild wild women that consist of 6 emcees, 2 breakdancers, 1 graffiti artist, a growing community for women artists of all kinds. Also she is a part of the first female hip hop duo named Wontribe.
Her stories circle around 100% facts, in the field of feminism, sustainability, technology and more. A rapper who has studied research methodologies, ethnography, ergonomics, visual communication, user experience, exhibition design, design for social change & environmental graphics.
Moving forward with the understanding and practical execution of theories mentioned above Krantinaari chooses to explore the medium of hip-hop to expand her communication medium.
Her debut song “Krantinaari” has been performed at several places with Base Foundation Roots, 10,000 Lions as well as with special appearance with Sarathy Korwar and more. In collaboration with the best from the field.