Layers of Gender Inequality
Save the Child Foundation has invested resources and time to conduct deep studies in collaboration with partners and NGO agencies and social leaders and have conceived a strategy to bring effective change and measure up to the Gender Equality Goals and targets of United Nations.
We currently engage , sponsor and support children from all ages who are challenged before, during and after journey lifecycle of the girl child and strive for complete transformation where feasible.

Save the Child Foundation broadly funds initiatives across three levers of Gender Equality, Global Health and Education.
* Hunger, Water and Sanitation ( Pads and Cups ) are pivotal for our agendas.
* Mental Health, Maternal Health, Infant Health, Special Needs Childrens Health and Sexual and Reproductive Health Initiatives are prioritized next.
* Education and Empowerment is vital for success and continued growth and we take pride in funding initiatives which create opportunities for women empowerment.